Monday, October 04, 2010

Joyce Tree

This is the Tree we planted in memory of my sister in law Joyce who died last month.
I call it the Joyce tree, it is an Autumn Blaze Maple and I know she would have loved it.
She loved the outdoors and her home had a creek with a waterfall where her ashes were spread.


Riot Kitty said...

Very pretty, and a nice memorial. Are you doing OK?

Marie said...

it's gorgeous ...

Anonymous said...

I love this variety of maple. We have a few, and they are gorgeous. I want to plant a tree in memory of my sister. I haven't chosen what kind yet. I want to plant something next spring, a year after her death. Suggestions?

Chris said...

We have a few memorial plants in our garden too, and I find it very reassuring and I DO think of the person when I'm tending to that plant....such a wonderful way to keep our loved ones in our lives!!! I'm so sorry to hear that you lost a sister! I can't imagine that....a big hug to you!

Green Tea said...

Joyce was my sister in law but she was like a big sister to me.
We all miss her but we are doing OK.

As for trees too plant..most Sugar Maples or maybe even a Linden are probably the best for our climate.
We got ours at Dundee's and they were very helpful